How Can We Help You?

Unrivalled Expertiseㅤ | ㅤ In-Depth Insightsㅤ | ㅤ Impactful Collaboration

| Unrivalled Expertise | In-Depth Insights | |Impactful Collaboration|

We work in a collaborative manner with our partners in the global pharma and biotech industries – enabling them to leverage our expertise to solve problems related to a number of issues including:

Protein Synthesis

Drug MoA

Disease Targets

Our Services

Ribosome Profiling

Sequencing of mRNA fragments covered by ribosomes, providing a global snapshot of translation with single nucleotide resolution in vivo.


Sequencing of mRNA fragments protected by two ribosomes packed together, providing insights into the phenomenon of ribosome pausing.


RNA-seq length reads from ribosome bound mRNA transcripts, enabling determination of transcript isoforms and splice variants actively undergoing translation


Cell type specific sequencing of ribosome protected fragments, enabling accurate measurement of translation within a heterogeneous sample.


Sequencing of the 5′ capped region of mRNAs, giving genome-wide identification of transcription start sites and related promoter regions.


Our Approach

Our engagement with clients and partners typically starts with an extensive dialogue to get to the heart of what biological questions need to be answered. We strive to understand what success will look like for each individual project and what we can we can do to help you achieve this. This then informs the experimental design and implementation.

We understand that translatomics is an emerging field and that the interpretation of results can be daunting for those who may not have too much experience with techniques such as Ribosome Profiling. For this reason, our team of bioinformaticians has developed a unique browser-based platform (EIRNA Bio Connect) to enable non-experts to easily interrogate and dynamically interact with their data in order to answer the vast majority of translation-related questions which may arise.

For more in-depth and bespoke investigation, our team of experienced bioinformaticians, biologists and other wet-lab scientists are available to offer unrivalled expertise to deliver unrivalled insights.

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