Mini-Review: Ribosome Profiling
TDP-43 is by far the most common factor associated with ALS, with aggregations of the protein being observed in in ~97% of cases, be they sporadic or familial in origin (2). Recent evidence suggests that the impact of these aggregates results from a loss of normal function of this protein, as opposed to a toxic gain-of-function of the aggregates themselves (5). Yet, somewhat frustratingly, TDP-43 has been shown to have a variety of functions, ranging from transcriptional repression (6) to exon splicing (7), as well as mRNA transportation (8), thus making clear conclusions to the impact of a loss-of-function difficult. However, with particular reference to translation in neurons, TDP-43 has recently been found to bind to and transport ribosomal protein mRNAs to the axons of neurons, where they are then locally translated and incorporated into local, axon-based and/or synaptic bouton-based ribosomes. In human sporadic ALS samples, these mRNAs were indeed found to be reduced in expression in pyramidal tract of the medulla oblongata, where axons of motor neurons are located (8). Adding to its role in translation, it has been demonstrated that, under conditions of stress, this protein was found to associate with stalled ribosomes, and that this interaction likely contributes to cell survival (9).
Delving further in this vein, a global proteomic study found that TDP-43-interacting proteins largely cluster into two distinct groups, a smaller nuclear-based splicing cluster and a comparatively larger cytosolic-based translational cluster (10). TDP-43 alters ribosome association of certain transcripts (11), and further ribosome profiling experimentation has determined that TDP-43 translationally upregulates the translation of specific transcripts, such as Camta1, Mig12, and Dennd4a (12). However, other studies have demonstrated downregulated translation, at the level of individual transcripts (13), but also globally (14). One interesting point to note is that inhibitors of eIF2α phosphorylation appears to rescue TDP-43 toxicity (15). EIF2α phosphorylation is known to downregulate global translation, implying that an increase in translational functionality may be important in rescuing neurons in these conditions. In any case, it is clear that TDP-43 has a wide range of interactors, both at the protein and RNA levels, thus mystifying its more detailed role. Insights will likely be gained from a wider analysis of these interactors, with the hope that their individual functions will provide clues to the more granular role TDP-43 may play, under a host of different circumstances. However, that it has a significant role in the translational landscape of ALS is clear.
C9orf72 refers to its location at open reading frame 72 on chromosome 9. In ALS, this is the site of a massive intronic GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat expansion, and this is the most common mutation associated with familial ALS (16). In most healthy individuals, this repeat typically occurs only twice, however, in those that go on to display the phenotype of the disease, this repeat may occur up to hundreds or even thousands of times (17), and is typically associated with a gain-of-toxicity (18). One of the impacts of these extensive repeats is the production of a number of dipeptide repeat proteins, initiated via repeat associated non-AUG translation. Multiple papers have associated these peptides with the induction of TDP-43 pathology (19-21), and thus C9orf72 mutations likely lead to some of the impacts attributed to TDP-43, described above. However, these extended repeats have been associated with other translational defects independent of TDP-43 pathology. Indeed, poly-PR and poly-GR dipeptides have been shown to form insoluble complexes with mRNA, limiting access of translational factors, leading to translation arrest and an overall reduction in global translation (22).
Numerous studies have demonstrated that these dipeptide repeat proteins bind to the ribosome, limiting their translational efficacy and inducing translational arrest (23-25), as well as impairing stress granule dynamics and reducing overall ribosome numbers. Importantly, overexpression of eIF1A was seen to rescue dipeptide-induced neural toxicity, strongly implicating that translation is majorly impacted by such dipeptide repeats (25). Furthermore, the structural basis for these mechanisms has been partially elucidated, with both poly-PR and poly-GR found to bind to the polypeptide exit tunnel of the ribosome, extending into the peptidyl-transferase center, thus inhibiting peptidyl-transferase activity (26). Additionally, research has indicated there may be no evolved regulatory mechanism for resolving such stalling (27), which may explain their high toxicity at nano-molar concentrations (26).
Fused in sarcoma, or FUS, is an RNA-binding protein. Its name originates from its initial discovery, where the 5’ end of this gene undergoes chromosomal translocation, “fusing” with another gene, CHOP, in human cancers. However, in 2009, a study implicated mutations in this gene with a type-6 ALS phenotype (28). It is currently unclear whether mutant FUS leads to a loss of normal function, or a toxic gain of function. FUS knockout mice do go on to display phenotypes of neurodegenerative conditions, although these appear to be distinct from ALS (29). As such, it is likely that these mutated proteins are detrimental in of themselves. Mutant FUS mislocalised from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where it forms cytoplasmic inclusions/liquid-liquid phase separation (30). With regard to translation, luciferase and methionine incorporation assays have demonstrated that mutant FUS supressed mRNA translation, with FUS cytoplasmic inclusions also being shown to be associated with stalled ribosomes (31). A second study identified the cytoplasmic inclusions contained FMRP-bound RNAs which are then translationally repressed (32). Such activity has also been linked to a hyperactivation of the process of nonsense-mediated decay, leading to significant mRNA degradation (31). Furthermore, non-mutated FUS has been found to supress translation through mTOR-dependant signalling, and mutated FUS may possibly contribute to pathological translation suppression through its mislocalisation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm (33).
Angiogenin is a protein most well-known for its stimulation of blood vessel formation. Perhaps not surprisingly, with its angiogenic properties, it has also been associated with the development of cancer. However, it has also been associated with the development of ALS (34). Multiple studies have associated the function of this gene with the stimulation of rRNA transcription (35, 36), which makes sense in the context of the necessary cell proliferation required for angiogenesis. Furthermore, mutations in this gene have been linked to a loss-of-function regarding its role in ALS, rather than a toxic gain-of-function (37, 38), implicating reduced rRNA transcription in angiogenin-associated ALS, and quite possibly reduced ribosome biogenesis.
Ataxin-2 is a ubiquitously expressed protein, with many purported physiological and pathophysiological functions, ranging from embryonic development, cell proliferation, fertility, and obesity (39). Many of these functions are intrinsically fuelled by protein synthesis, which is of course fundamentally underpinned by translation. Ataxin-2 is perhaps most well-known for its association with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2, wherein the gene contains a significant amount of abnormal CAG repeat expansions. However, more recently, such repeats in this gene have also been associated with ALS, with both disorders sharing similar symptomology (40, 41). This gene also has significant associations with TDP-43, with both proteins forming a complex dependant on RNA binding (40). ALS-associated ataxin-2 repeats have been shown to upregulate TDP-43 pathology (42), and therapeutic approaches downregulating ataxin-2 markedly reduce TDP-43 pathology as well as dramatically extending survival times in a mouse model of ALS (43).
P97, otherwise known as VCP, is a protein typically associated with the ubiquitination process. In 2010, it was linked to approximately 1-2% of familial ALS cases (44), and its toxicity was hypothesised to be partially mediated through TDP-43, with which it is an interactor. However, it also has specific functions relating to translational events, such as the promotion of cellular internal ribosome entry site (IRES) translation (45) and degradation of ribosome-bound aberrant nascent polypeptides (46). Knockdown of p97 has also been demonstrated to lead to a reduction in global translation (47), and thus any loss-of-function mutations in this gene may contribute to translational abnormalities.
ALS is a complex disease, with a plethora of associated genes, many of which are not mentioned in this piece. Additionally, even within specific genes, alternative mutations can lead to significantly different phenotypes (48). As such, ALS constitutes an umbrella term, describing broad, yet similar, characteristic symptoms. With such a wide range of associated genes, there is likely no one singular mechanism of action. Indeed, it must be noted in this piece, one of the most significant genes associated with ALS, SOD1 (linked to 12% of fALS and 1-2% sALS) (49), has comparatively little translatomic association. It also has little to no association with pathological TDP-43 (50), the molecule associated with the vast majority of ALS cases (2). Thus, to attribute any one mechanism to this disease would be unwise. However, the translational links possessed by a great many of the genes most associated with this disease are clear, and likely represent a viable mechanism for a significant portion of cases. As such, research into therapeutics to rescue the translational impairments observed in models of ALS may constitute an exciting and rewarding area of investigation, and should be explored further.
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